Hypnotherapy for Fears & Phobias
Hypnotherapy can help with any fear or phobia that you may have. Fears or phobias are handled in a few different ways; either desensitizing you to the root cause/initial incident that created the fear, if there is a known cause, or by desensitizing you to the different circumstances that trigger the fear response.
Fear of Flying
If you find yourself with extreme anxiety leading up to plane travel, feeling incredibly fearful and anxious while on a plane, avoiding trips and opportunities due to your fear of flying, hypnotherapy can help you have more positive, logical beliefs about flying and feel much calmer and more relaxed during the flight.
If you fear being in enclosed spaces, have a really hard time on elevators, hypnotherapy can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed when in enclosed spaces to the point that it no longer creates that anxiety response.
Social Phobia
If you’re constantly preoccupied with what other people are thinking of you, feel a lot of anxiety meeting new people, being looked at, being in groups of people, hypnotherapy can help re-program your beliefs around social interactions and allow you to feel calm and confident in any social situation.
Fear of Public Speaking
Does your fear of speaking in public hold you back from moving forward in your career? Do you feel incredibly anxious leading up to presentations, or even meetings where you’ll have to speak up? Maybe even feeling nervous speaking in a group setting with people you already know. Hypnotherapy can allow you to feel calm and comfortable while speaking in public, allowing you to remain cool and collected, clear-headed, and articulate while speaking.